The health benefits of yoga have been known for more than 5,000 years, and over 11 million Americans experience the health benefits that yoga brings. Yoga classes focus on learning physical poses or asanas and breathing techniques that connect moving from one asana to another. Yoga also introduces meditation techniques. These are designed as relaxation techniques but can be used when holding poses. You learn how to move your body in flexible ways, and there are asanas that focus on different health issues.
The don'ts of yoga
If you have a pre-existing health condition or are pregnant, you may need to consult your doctor before starting yoga. You and your doctor can judge what level of yoga is safe for you and will benefit your condition. Do not try learning yoga though a DVD or online. Work with a credentialed instructor who knows the proper way to perform poses and who can check you. Do not ever substitute yoga for medical care. There are many health benefits with yoga, but they are not substitutes for regular health care.
Steps to successful yoga
When just starting out, you need to determine your limits before you can fully investigate the health benefits of yoga. Discuss with your instructor the types of yoga you should do within your limitations. Go slow. You are not in competition with anyone in the class. Learn the basics, breathe properly, and maintain balance. Begin by warming up before you start class and staying hydrated during the entire session.
You are never too old to improve your flexibility, and that is what yoga can do for you. Asanas work by safely stretching muscles. Yoga releases lactic acid that causes everyday stiffness, pain and fatigue. Yoga also increases your range of motion. Your joints become more lubricated and eventually you can find balance throughout your entire body.
Ashtanga and power yoga are very vigorous and increase your strength and improve muscle tone. You can also use hatha yoga, which focuses on less movement and more alignment for strength and endurance benefits. Downward and upward dog poses and plank poses build upper body strength. Upward dog and the chair pose manufacture strength in the lower back. When poses are executed correctly, core strength that lies deep in the abdominal muscles is released.
Posture and core strength
As you increase flexibility and work on strength, you build better posture. Sitting and standing poses increase core strength and work on your abdominals. Strong abdominals prop up and preserve each pose, and a stronger core helps you to stand taller. You will also be more aware of your body. This helps you prevent slouching and slumping.
Yoga involves building lung capacity. This improves your entire health and endurance. Yoga emphasizes deepening and lengthening your breath. This stimulates relaxation and boosts adrenaline. You will feel much more relaxed and less stressed following yoga practices. Yoga can also calm the mind chatter that underlies stress by helping you focus on your breathing rather than your stress.
As you study and practice yoga, you find that concentration and the ability to focus are increased. Moods are calmed and you feel happier and content after yoga class. Researchers have found that when the body begins to be improved depressions start to leave. Boosting oxygen levels to the brain helps with focus, stress management, and overall health.
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