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Saturday, 10 January 2015

10 Benefits of Smile for Health

Smiling is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and add friends. But apparently there are 10 other benefits of a smile to one's health.

As we all know it takes less facial muscles to make someone smile than frown. Some experts claim it takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 muscles to smile. But some others say it takes 62 muscles to frown and only 26 muscles to smile.

Additionally smile can also improve one's health and make life more enjoyable. Here are some benefits that can be obtained a person with a smile:

1. A smile makes a person more attractive, Unconsciously smile can make people more attractive because there is a certain attraction factor and make someone look better than a frown, scowl or grimace.

2. A smile can change the mood, Smiling can trick the body so that helps a person's mood changed for the better. For that if you feel sad, try to smile.

3. A smile can be contagious, Smiling not only change the mood of the person but also the people around him, and make things happier. This is because a smile can be contagious and bring happiness to others.

4. A smile can relieve stress, People who are stressed can be seen from his face, but with a smile can prevent a person look tired and exhausted. If you're stressed, try to take the time to smile, because it can reduce stress, so better able to take action.

5. A smile increases your immune system, Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When someone smiled then increased immune function that makes a person feel more relaxed and protected from diseases such as flu and colds.

6. A smile lowers blood pressure, When smiling then there is impairment of blood pressure measured.Try to measure blood pressure while sitting at home while reading, then smiled for a minute and blood pressure measured again, it will show the difference.

7. A smile can release endorphins, painkillers and serotonin, Studies have shown a smile can release endorphins, compounds that can reduce pain naturally and serotonin. All three can make people feel better and become a natural medicine.

8. Crease a smile on the face can make people look younger, The muscles used to smile lift the face so it can help make people look younger. Therefore try to smile more often which makes feel younger and better.

9. Smiling can make people seem to be successful people who smile will look more confident, so much promoted, but it pairs smile at each meeting will have a different reaction.

10. A smile can help people stay positive, A smile will make people more positive and reduce negative thoughts. 


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