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Thursday, 1 January 2015

Time of Sleep can't be Replaced by Another Time

Sleep is one of the best breaks. At bedtime, we can restore the entire organ function. However, not everyone can sleep with the "right", and woke up the next morning in a state fit. This is because weoften misinterpret the myths about sleep, especially in terms of paying the "debt" sleep due to lack ofsleep the previous quota. Here are a few of them:

1. Sleeping less than 1 hour per day does not affect your activities. This is a myth. You probably will not feel sleepy during the day. But lack of sleep can affect your ability to think clearly andrespond quickly. Lack of sleep also can interfere with heart health, energy balance, and ability to fightinfectious diseases.

2. Your body can adapt quickly to changes in hours of sleep. Most people feel his body canreset their biological clocks to sleep in just 1-2 hours. As a result, within a few days later you have to"pay" it's bedtime, and it takes time to adjust to return to normal sleep more than a week.

3. Longer night's sleep can eliminate fatigue during the day. You not only need adequate sleep, but good quality sleep. Some people can sleep 8-9 hours every night, but they still do not feelwell rested upon awakening. This is because low-quality sleep.

4. You can replace more sleep. Working overtime in the week to lack of sleep sometimes makesyou think to replace it at the weekend. Although sleep patterns will greatly help to alleviate sleep debt,but this will not make you really can get a quality sleep. Revenge bedtime this will only affect yoursleep-wake cycle. As a result, it becomes much more difficult to go to bed and wake up at the right time the next day.

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Waking up at Early Morning Make Us Happier

Habit of waking up early is very beneficial for not only physical but also mental health. Research to prove it to the experts. Analysis of the scientists from the University of Toronto Canada concluded, those who get up early in general have better health conditions. People who get up earlier also feel happier life than sleeping late because they are more adaptable to the schedule of daily activities.

According to researchers, they often wake up late and prefers activities at night are more likely to experience a "social jet lag". It is a condition where a person's body clock becomes out of synch with social activities. On the other hand, the "morning people" proved to be more refreshed,  alert, happier and more motivated to face challenges, but also increased immunity.

As published in the journal Emotion, researchers found that most people tend to start leaving "night habits" such as his youth and became a morning routine wake up as they age. Renee Biss, the research leader, said that this discovery proves for the first time that the elderly have increased the feeling of happiness as the habit of getting up that early.

In this study, there were 435 adults aged 17 to 38 years compared with 300 people aged 59 to 79 years. Both groups were asked to fill out questionnaires about the emotional state, health quality and time to favorite activities.

The study results show, before the age of 60 years, most respondents in the category of "morning person". Less than 10 percent of young respondents included in this type. With age, these statistics are subject to change, which is less than seven percent of the population still has a habit of sleeping late.

"What is most interesting that we found was the tendency of respondents aged adults to get up early to have contributed to a better mood than young adults. People also claim to be happier in the morning than the evening, regardless of whether they are young or old. And Our research indicates that the tendency to get up earlier as you age may have emotional benefits. One night may be more susceptible to social jet lag, which means their biological clock out of synch premises social hour, "said Biss, Ph.D student of Department of Psychology, University of Toronto.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

11 Signs of Breast Cancer Risk

Some people feel the new must check the condition of her breasts when there is an immediate familymember affected by breast cancer. Genetic element is allowing a person at risk for breast cancer.However, it was not just that. According to the International Women's Organization, there are other things that make a person at risk for breast cancer. They are:

1. Have never given birth or not give birth until the age of 30 years.
2. During pregnancy, especially during the first pregnancy, ended in abortion.
3. Using the contraceptive pill before having a full pregnancy or use contraceptive pills for at least 4 years.
4. Having a history of breast cancer in close relatives (mother, sister, or daughter). The risk is greaterif a relative has breast cancer on both sides before entering the menopause.
5. Having breast cancer in medical history private.
6. Having ovarian cancer or cervical cancer in a personal medical history.

7. Age: breast cancer cases in women are generally at the age of 50 years. Even so, today has starteda lot of  people affected by breast cancer since the 30s, and even teenagers though.
8. Starting menstruation at an early age (before age 12 years), or enter menopause at the age of 55 years.
9. Running estrogen therapy at least for 5 years after menopause.
10. Consuming alcohol very much.
11. Obesity.

Now we live in a century of cancer (cancerous age). In developing countries, so a double burden.Slowly but surelyAccording to WHO data, industrial countries have a population with a large cancer. 

In addition, women who are actively working until the evening, stress, affected by exposure topollution, imbalanced diet, and lack of rest can also cancer risk.