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Tuesday 3 February 2015

Make like Baby Skin Firmness

Your face has begun to reveal fine wrinkles on the forehead, exposure to sunlight makes your face red like acne scars, sagging skin began to pull down the corner of your eye. Hm ... here it is, the signs of aging. So that your face will be free from premature aging, improve the way you treat the skin, how to eat, and your lifestyle.

1. Wash your face before bed. Sometimes we have been very sleepy and lazy to wash the face. If you sleep with your makeup on the face, the actual make-up can make the skin irritated, clogged pores and dirt covered face. Finally, the skin is prone skin. Wash your face with lather and massage for 10-15 minutes. Clean your face at least 2 times a day. This method can reduce the excess oil on the face, as well as preventing wrinkles and dryness in the face.

2. Protect your face from UV rays. We who live in tropical areas should ideally use a cream with sun protection between SPF 20 and 30. Use every day, if you want to get younger skin. Every 10 minutes, exposure to sunlight (UVA) can make us dull face, wrinkles more easily, and add black spots within 12 weeks. If you do not reach the facial moisturizer SPF 30, then make sure to use sun block that has the formulas anti-UVA and UVB.3. Control stress. If you type an emotional, should control your emotions from now. Because they are not trying to control his emotions tend to have skin look 5 years older than actual age.Amy Wechsler, MD, a dermatologist who is also the author of The Mind Beauty Connection, says that the feeling of anger and overwhelming can increase the hormone cortisol which causes swelling and decreased collagen. The skin also decreased its malleability, and then arise redness and pimples on the face. To block the swelling, use foods that contain high antioxidants, such as oranges and asparagus.

4. Use of vitamin A (retinoids). Research shows that vitamin A could improve the growth of collagen which makes the face remained resilient, growing new skin cells, and eliminate fine lines and dark spots. Use a scrub that contains vitamin A to remove layers of dead skin before bedtime, 3 times a week. See the difference 3 months later.

5. Make a habit of regular skin care. Each facial treatment process will not provide instant results.Maximum results can only be seen 6-12 months later. If we use a product regularly, so be sure not to overdo it. Skin can also become resistant to various treatments that are too frequent.

6. Eating a diet rich in omega-3. Omega-3 is a good fat contained in foods such as salmon, seaweed, and nuts. Consumption of foods rich in omega-3 will make the skin supple and toned.

7. Exercise or exercise regularly. Various studies suggest that women who diligently exercise have a more toned skin than those who seldom exercise. The reason, the exercise will help the skin to get a new oxygen turnover and helps the production of collagen. Do exercise at least 30 minutes per week to get healthy skin and body.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Healthy Baby On the Way!

I have just reached 20 weeks so I'm ready to start sharing my thoughts... I planned to wait until I hit the magical 12 week mark to start posting these updates. It was very hard to contain my excitement but I totally get why waiting until then is the convention. 12 weeks came and went and somehow, I still wasn't quite ready. But here, at the halfway point, it's time to let it fly! 

This post was written on August 27, 2014 -- the day after I got my positive test. I just cannot wait to start cataloging this journey! So, for now, this is just for me with the idea of posting these updates starting in a couple months.

I am still very much in shock. It's been over 4 years of not preventing conception, with only one other pregnancy, which was an extremely early miscarriage that happened before I knew I had been pregnant. It was traumatic physically, but emotionally I just couldn't process that I had lost something I didn't even know I'd had. My doctor thought it was ectopic (a tubal pregnancy) because they didn't see anything on ultrasound, despite my insistence that I could only possibly be a day or two pregnant due to knowing my cycle. They did eventually see something in the uterus, but it was not viable by that point in any case. 

That was two years ago and since then, nothing. I went through periods of actively charting my cycle and doing tons of research and planning. I also went through times when I couldn't think about it at all. I needed to enjoy my life the way it is, which is fantastic. 

All the time, the clock was ticking... I was staring at my 37th birthday and just knew that it was now or never in terms of taking a proactive approach. I saw my doctor, got some preliminary tests (all seemed fine). Sam was checked. We started jumping through the hoops my insurance needed for our referral to the fertility center (dealing with two different sets of medical systems -- Kaiser and GW was quite the fun time!) 

I signed up for a Yoga for Fertility Class. I joined Baby Launch Camp. I worked with a Health Coach. I downloaded Fertility Meditations. I recommitted to daily temperature and fertility sign charting. I was on this! But, somewhere in the back of my mind was Negative Nelly whispering how this just wasn't going to happen for us. I started looking into adoption and foster care (the latter something we want to do eventually, regardless of whether was have a biological child). Those are great options that I support but there was this niggling craving to have this all-too-human experience. I wanted to find out "for sure" (at least as much as the medical establishment can determine this) before exploring other options. 

I'm not sure what "did it" this month. Not much has really changed -- I still eat a Paleo diet, which has been including Perfect Health Diet starches to varying degrees. I had been counting calories and slowly losing a bit of weight (nothing significant yet). The main difference is that I did put my intention on the process to a much greater degree. 

I also read somewhere that stevia is used for contraception in some cultures (totally controversial and not an established fact) so I stopped using it. I had been using it quite a bit in smoothies and coffee/tea. I'm telling you, if that turns out to have been the issue I will scream! I was trying to avoid sugar at all costs only to be undermining my fertility? So wrong! But, who knows? These days, I'm working to eat things without a sweet taste and to use honey sparingly when I really want it. Sugar is sugar, but at least the body knows how to process glucose/fructose. I figure that small amounts won't cause too much trouble. The idea is to avoid the dreaded blood sugar spikes. 

That brings me to several days ago when I realized that my temperatures weren't starting to drop in advance of my expected period. That was a good sign! Then, a few more days went by... And yesterday, I decided what the heck? Just take a test. And it was positive! I could not believe it. So, I took another one. Also positive! Seriously? Was this really happening? I stared at the sticks for a minute or so, then ran down two flights to find Cute Man. He was surprised but very happy! 

I contacted my doctor right away to ask to take a blood test to confirm. She said that it wasn't needed and that the home tests are accurate. I should just make an appointment in a few weeks for my first sonogram. Really? It didn't seem like it could be official without a doctor pronouncing me pregnant. Even so, I know in my heart it's true -- it's happening. I have such a wave of joy that has just permeated everything for the last two days. And tonight, I'm going to my very first prenatal yoga class! Is it weird that I've dreamed of going to prenatal yoga? It's like a club that I just couldn't get into. Now, I have my free pass  and I'm not wasting any time taking advantage of it! 

10 Secrets to Living a Vibrantly Happy, Healthy Life

Here are my top tips for you, if you long to create a happier, healthier life:
1) If you move toward something, it will move toward you
As W.H. Murray famously said: "The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred." I've seen it time and again in my own life and in the lives of my coachingclients. Don't worry too much about how you're going to get from A to B, just start walking in the direction of your goal or dream. Get started by doing whatever you can, however small, and then do the next thing. Watch for it: Providence will show up and will come to your assistance. I've seen it happen so often that it seems to be a law of nature.
2) Manage your stress and you'll fix almost everything
Stress is the cause of a staggering number of health problems and worsens any medical condition. Stress causes us to age faster, throws our hormones out of whack, and makes us feel anxious, fearful and irritable. I recently attended at course at Harvard's Benson-Henry Institute of Mind Body Medicine, and was staggered by the protean effects of stress and just how pervasive it is in our lives and our society. I discovered that I was way more stressed than I realized, and was living with a steady undercurrent of it. Learn to recognize the signs of stress in your own body and mind, and counteract them actively (yoga, breathing breaks, mini-meditations throughout the day, exercise, play, prayer, positive self-talk, etc.).
3) Sleep is ground zero
If you don't get enough sleep, everything else will suffer. Sleep deprivation (which most of us suffer from) puts you in a pre-diabetic state, messes with your metabolism, makes you dramatically more likely to be overweight, increases your appetite, decreases yourproductivity, hampers your immune system, and makes you tired, moody, anxious and likely to be depressed. If you're struggling with any of the things on this list and you're not getting enough sleep (less than 8 hours a night), aim for improved sleep first before trying any other life strategies.
4) If you respect your own boundaries, people will respect you
I wrote recently about the fact that people-pleasers are most likely to be targeted by bullies. Historically I have been a terrible people-pleaser and spent way too much time and effort trying to make everyone happy. Practice building self-awareness, discover what you are willing to do and what you don't want to do. Start putting this into practice by saying no when something doesn't resonate or align with who you really are. People might get mad at first, but eventually most will come to respect you. And you won't secretly (or not so secretly) resent them anymore. Oh the peace.
5) Be yourself, unapologetically
This expands on the people-pleasing piece. So many of us (myself included) grew up focusing on what other people or society thought we should do. So many people are in careers, places or situations that depress them or make them feel hopeless. Yes, sometimes you just have to work to put food on the table, but many people are in a position where they could transition into something much more suitable to who they are. Start checking in with yourself about who you really are, despite your circumstances and outside influences. What do you really love? What do you long to do? How would you love to live? In whatever way you can, start shifting your life towards living more authentically - and watch what happens (see Tip #1).
6) Be childlike
Who said you had to grow up and be so serious? Cultivate the very best of the child within you. Practice childlike awe for majestic things, childlike silliness (my husband loves silly cat videos on YouTube, for example), childlike faith, childlike hope, childlike play andcreativity. When it comes to certain things, children do them way better than we do. Recapture it - it's still inside you.
7) Don't wait
Don't put off life, don't wait until things are perfect. Figure out how you can start now, start small. Just start. You'll be so glad you did.
8) Give your heart priority over your head
Much of my work with coaching clients is getting them to stop being logical and practical. Yes, it's important to have a realistic plan, and a back-up plan, but start the plan in your heart first. Ask yourself what you'd love to experience if anything were possible. Then use your head to figure out how you might get there. Don't let your head rule the show, it loves to make silly pronouncements like "you're too old", "that will never work" , "who do you think you are" and "what will people think". Your heart's much kinder and more optimistic.
9) Have faith
My spiritual practice and faith are the core of my personal and professional life. I believe (and have experienced) that there is something greater helping me out in life. There are endless studies that show the benefits of faith and spiritual practice on physical health, mental health and happiness. Everything just goes better.
10) When your body says stop, listen to it
Learning to listen to your body is a major ingredient for lasting success in life. Drink water when you're thirsty. Eat good food when you're hungry and stop when your body says it's full. Sleep when your body wants to. Stop pushing when you feel tired. Take a vacation when every cell in your body and mind is screaming for it. Take a break when your shoulders creep up around your ears or your neck starts aching. Take really good care of your body, and listen to it. In turn, it will take really good care of you.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Guilt Free Desserts: Gluten Free Diabetic Safe Desserts

Friday 23 January 2015

Keikos Cake And Pastry Friends

The Bikini Model Cookbook

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Cute Baby Chronicles: Catching up

After the initial surge of excitement which I didn't feel OK to share right away (so frustrating!) I stopped writing altogether. I'm not sure why, but I guess I was just trying to stay in the moment and experience everything as opposed to focusing on chronicling it. This post is catching us up closer to the present....

As is my habit, I've been consuming tons of information about pregnancy, child birth, and babies. I'm a bit obsessive like that. It's mostly podcasts and blogs at this stage. I just don't have the patience for books. I've listened to almost all the Pregtastic, Preggie Pals, and Birth, Baby and Life podcasts so far. So much great info!

Now, just at 20 weeks I'm starting to feel like this is really happening. I'm finally starting to show a bit (that took forever!) Careful what you wish for, I'm sure... I no longer obsessively track my food intake, but I'm working to incorporate as much good whole healthy food and I can. I've hardly gained any weight so far (and nothing in the last month before my last appointment), but I'm trying not to see that as either a good or a bad thing. My doctor isn't concerned but warned me that it WAS coming and it would be OK :) My chiefest concern is just getting the nutrition both of us really need right now.

My zeal for prenatal yoga also waned as the first trimester queasiness and fatigue set in. I haven't been to a class in awhile, but have done some at home. Now that I'm starting to feel more like myself, I plan to start attending the classes again. I really did enjoy them!

Yesterday was my latest doctor's appointment and it is so fun to listen to that heartbeat! I also got my first unsolicited "Are you pregnant question" yesterday. It was tentative, but I certainly did appreciate it! Tomorrow Cute Man and I will go for our 20 week ultrasound - the anatomy scan. Can't wait to see the little guy!

And yes, it's going to be a BOY. We already know due to a genetic test we did early on so here's to announcing the impending arrival of Samuel H. Dodson V due on or about May 5, 2015. How crazy would it be if he actually came on that date? Baby Sammy Five born on 5/5/15. Wow :) But, he'll come when he's ready (no elective inductions for me!)