Sleep is one of the best breaks. At bedtime, we can restore the entire organ function. However, not everyone can sleep with the "right", and woke up the next morning in a state fit. This is because weoften misinterpret the myths about sleep, especially in terms of paying the "debt" sleep due to lack ofsleep the previous quota. Here are a few of them:
1. Sleeping less than 1 hour per day does not affect your activities. This is a myth. You probably will not feel sleepy during the day. But lack of sleep can affect your ability to think clearly andrespond quickly. Lack of sleep also can interfere with heart health, energy balance, and ability to fightinfectious diseases.
2. Your body can adapt quickly to changes in hours of sleep. Most people feel his body canreset their biological clocks to sleep in just 1-2 hours. As a result, within a few days later you have to"pay" it's bedtime, and it takes time to adjust to return to normal sleep more than a week.
3. Longer night's sleep can eliminate fatigue during the day. You not only need adequate sleep, but good quality sleep. Some people can sleep 8-9 hours every night, but they still do not feelwell rested upon awakening. This is because low-quality sleep.
4. You can replace more sleep. Working overtime in the week to lack of sleep sometimes makesyou think to replace it at the weekend. Although sleep patterns will greatly help to alleviate sleep debt,but this will not make you really can get a quality sleep. Revenge bedtime this will only affect yoursleep-wake cycle. As a result, it becomes much more difficult to go to bed and wake up at the right time the next day.
1. Sleeping less than 1 hour per day does not affect your activities. This is a myth. You probably will not feel sleepy during the day. But lack of sleep can affect your ability to think clearly andrespond quickly. Lack of sleep also can interfere with heart health, energy balance, and ability to fightinfectious diseases.
2. Your body can adapt quickly to changes in hours of sleep. Most people feel his body canreset their biological clocks to sleep in just 1-2 hours. As a result, within a few days later you have to"pay" it's bedtime, and it takes time to adjust to return to normal sleep more than a week.
3. Longer night's sleep can eliminate fatigue during the day. You not only need adequate sleep, but good quality sleep. Some people can sleep 8-9 hours every night, but they still do not feelwell rested upon awakening. This is because low-quality sleep.
4. You can replace more sleep. Working overtime in the week to lack of sleep sometimes makesyou think to replace it at the weekend. Although sleep patterns will greatly help to alleviate sleep debt,but this will not make you really can get a quality sleep. Revenge bedtime this will only affect yoursleep-wake cycle. As a result, it becomes much more difficult to go to bed and wake up at the right time the next day.