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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Get The Fresh & Vibrant Look!

FOR you who have a job related to external parties, then the meeting with a client or a vendor is something that almost every day must be run. Sometimes the head like a 'smoky' meeting due to a marathon meeting continued without lag. If it were so, then the face and the appearance was no longer unnoticed.

Though the appearance is one of the important points in job performance. Especially for you who often meet people. Why? Because you are a company representative. You represent the image of the company where you work. What happens if you look messy and unkempt. I could have your client fled because he doubted the credibility of the company as reflected in your appearance.

To get the look fresh and energetic in fact not difficult loh. Does not require a thick powder or makeup menor. All you need to do is live a healthy and orderly. Plus added a little polish make-up skills with a natural style. And do not forget to wear Business Attire a dynamic impression. With a mix of everything, then completed the look fresh and vibrant you.

In order to appear fresh, try the healthy living tips:

1. Increase consumption of antioxidants.
Antioxidants make cells - skin cells to repair damage quickly. Therefore, look for vegetables and fruits - fruits that contain antioxidants to keep skin free from free radicals. One of the natural ingredients rich in antioxidants are Rosella, Rosella purple especially as it contains five times more antioxidants than other rosella, and also contains Vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. For those women who have a myriad of activities, Balancea is the right choice because it can help keep the immune system everyday. Additionally Balancea packaged for ready to drink so it fits for you with high mobility.

2. Positive Thinking and smile.
Many people who say that a person's face can reflect his thoughts. Those who are stressed or are facing problems and a lot of thought, his face grim and not likely to shine. Believe it or not, self-empowering every morning after waking up at all useful to start your activity every day.

3. Avoid smoking.
 Smoking is still not good for health especially beauty. Smoking can accelerate the aging process and eliminate the elasticity of the skin. Thus, the skin will look dry and wrinkled faster. In addition, the smell of smoke usually will stick in your body or clothes that you are using. Gone were the scent of your perfume replaced by the smell of smoke.

4. Enough sleep.
Of course you do not want her to attend meetings with dark circles around the eyes and the eyes look large marsupial.  By giving your body enough time to sleep, then it can be avoided. Besides the body becomes tired quickly and you can be more focused through the day.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Simple tips for maintaining beautiful and healthy breasts

Every woman would want to always look beautiful, slender, bushy hair, and of course the women also want to have beautiful and healthy breasts. Breast with beautiful shape, sexy, dense, and healthy as well is a dream of every woman. Breast is not only beneficial for the breastfeeding, the breasts of women is the main thing to keep up appearances to keep it beautiful and interesting. That's why women can be obsessed with the shape and size of the breast. 

Some women even dare to take risks to perform plastic surgery, breast implants also planted them. The women are very prioritizing aesthetics and beauty, but be alert to the health problems in the organs of the body, as well as on the breast.

So, how do you to get healthy and beautiful breasts?

How to maintain breast health is not different from the way you keep the rest of the body. There are simple ways that have been provided of the universe, so that the women do not worry about the problems that will arise in their breasts. The women are encouraged to consume more vegetables and fruits. Positive activities to enjoy fruits and vegetables is recommended to get a healthy body, including avoiding chronic diseases like breast tumors. A new study revealed that the benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption, proved to be very effective to prevent breast tumors, and will achieve optimum results if carried out since the age of adolescence.

Do you want to have sexy breasts, beautiful and healthy as well?

Adolescent girls who ate the most fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in carotenoids, have a lower risk of breast tumors. Carotenoids are pigments that produce the color orange, red, or dark green fruits and vegetables. The pigment has the ability of antioxidants to fight disease, and can prevent tumor or cancer. If you do not like vegetables or fruit, now is the time you "force" yourself with creative ways to eat more vegetables and fruits.

Breast tumor is basically a non-cancerous condition of the breast, although some may develop into cancer tumors. Breast tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the breast that can produce lumps. Caroline Boeke studies, the Chairman of doctoral candidate at the Channing Division of Network Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard School of Public Health confirms that it has been many studies linking carotenoids and breast cancer. Caroline Boeke further said that overall carotenoid has a protective effect against cancer. Then the researchers also analyzed the effect of vegetable consumption in girls since 1996.

In the study, researchers conducted dietary analysis from 1996 to 1998, and evaluate the results of the diagnosis of breast tumors in 2005, 2007, and 2010. Study involving nearly 6,600 girls, 122 of whom were diagnosed with breast tumors. The data is certainly a warning for women to be more vigilant in the incidence of tumors in their breasts.

The study, published in the journal Pediatrics found that girls who ate more carotenoids protected from breast tumors. Broke further said, that the risk of breast tumors in about half of them in comparison to other groups who eat a little bit of carotenoid.

However, the study does not claim a causal relationship between the two. Boeke said, they only have relevanceafter entering other factors that influence the risk of breast tumors such as alcohol consumption, physical activity, family history, and body mass index, the association still has not changed.

Remember the old saying, that it is better to prevent disease than to treat it. Because it's your breasts not only maintained the beauty and sexuality, but more important is to keep your breasts in order to remain healthy with simple and smart way. Make sure you always eat vegetables and fruits, and of course regular exercise is also very important for a healthy and fit body.

Breast sucking good for you

The female breasts, also known as “the twins” or “the girls”, have remained the most conspicuous and attractive feature of the female sexual organ. Perhaps, its strategic positioning and function adds to its importance in the life of a woman.
Besides the age long biological function of the breasts as a source of food and nourishment for babies, the breast is also a major source of sexual attraction for the male specie, just as it is also a key sexual organ for the woman, highly sensitive to stimulation. The fact that they come in various shapes and sizes, further add to their uniqueness and endearing place in our hearts as humans.

sexual organ, the breasts have been known to give immense pleasure to both men and women during sexual encounters. In fact, some women have reportedly disclosed that they are capable of achieving orgasm even when thoroughly stimulated through sucking and caressing of the breasts alone. Though, because of this highly sensitive nature, some women find it very uncomfortable or even painful to submit their twin girls to constant sexual manipulation of any kind.
Interestingly, men are constantly drawn to the breasts. A lot of this attraction has been attributed to psychological composition, perception and beliefs. For, pray, why would a full grown man be obsessed with sucking some mounds of milkless breasts? I don’t often get logical answers to this question when I ask. The function of the breasts in sexual behaviour has been attributed to human Face -to -Face copulation that is unusual among other mammals. Since the breast already serves the function of mother-infant bonding, then it is also excellent for male -female bonding, says an argument. After all, it is just within reach.
For those familiar with some of the social media platforms, you would have come across a particular message that has been making the rounds for a couple of years now. Purportedly attributed to the BBC as source, this message usually springs out during the cancer awareness months and in support of cancer prevention campaign. As expected, it elicits a wide range of controversies from both men and women, from humour to disdain and sexual innuendoes, while some others believe the content hook, line and sinker. The purported message is claimed to have been issued by the Ministry of Health in the fight against breast cancer. One of the versions I have received read thus:
Very soon, women will be paying men to have their breasts sucked! According to a report on BBC website,  Doctors recommend that women reduce the risk of getting breast cancer by having their breasts sucked thoroughly and vigorously. It is said that regular sucking of the breast lowers the risk level that tends to build up lumps leading to breast cancer. The breast must be sucked as often as possible. Help women fight breast cancer today. Men, please do your part  and suck a breast now! And women, please endeavour to make it available regularly…… This message is from the Ministry of Health in the fight against breast cancer.
I have tried several times without success to get a confirmation for this story on the mentioned websites including cancer.org and some others in related fields. But perhaps, someone out there knows the original and authentic source of this message? Please share it with us!
As interesting as this message may be, as well as the different responses it receives anytime it is being passed around, depending on which side of the divide you find yourself, I am more worried about the health implications attached. Cancer is not something to make jokes out of as it claims millions of lives across the world every year. Again, some frightened lady who hitherto was not in favour of breast sucking may easily submit herself to torture with the belief that she is suffering for a good reason. Please, let us not confuse issues. Breast feeding is not the same as breast sucking. Breast feeding is the process of feeding  new born and infants with breast milk. It is this that has been medically proven to be of  immense benefit to both mother and child and can prevent breast cancer. There are no scientifically proven studies indicating that breast sucking is of any medical benefit to the the woman whose breast is being sucked or the person doing the sucking.
However, what has been scientifically proven is the fact that breast sucking when properly performed is of immense pleasure to the woman and may sometime on its own lead to orgasm or when combined with some other forms of sexual stimulation will help a woman to achieve orgasm quicker. Again, neither has any research shown that breast sucking can give a woman cancer.
So ladies, please relax and allow your guys do the job for you.  if you are not enjoying the way he is doing it, tell him. I can assure you, it’s a win-win situation.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

How to prevent breast cancer?

Dr. Ben Kim on September 15, 2006 in Women's Health wrote about how toprevent breast cancer. He found that food and lifestyle choices are very important to prevent breast cancer. One of the keys to treating and preventing breast cancer naturally is to avoid estrogen dominance and reducing stress.

 It’s essential to consistently make healthy food choices that ensure regular intake of natural vitamin, minerals, and antioxidants. Although there are no guarantees, you can take some steps to help prevent breast cancer:

* Please do not smoke because smoking is a really bad habit for you and gives a bad impact to other people surround you? Smoking is very dangerous.
Breast-feed your babies for as long as possible. Women who breast-feed their babies for at least a year in total have a reduced risk of developing breast cancer later.
* Maintain a healthy weight. Manage your weight wisely.
* Exercise regularly such as jogging and other low impact sports. Exercise and sport is a great way as an investment for you in the future.
* Limit your use of alcohol. If you do drink, you may be able to decrease your risk of breast cancer by taking a folate supplement. Stop drinks any alcohol products it’s much better to prevent yourself from breast cancer and other bad effect to your daily life.
* Follow a healthy diet low in fat and high in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, strawberry juice, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower).
* Have your doctor examine your breasts every three years if you are under age 40 and every year if you are over 40.
* Have regular mammograms. Mammograms can detect breast cancer two to five years before a tumor becomes large enough to be felt as a lump. Women who believe they may be at especially high risk of hereditary breast cancer should consult with a genetic counselor before testing.
*   Consider taking the aromatize inhibitor exemestane.  The results of a study released earlier this year showed that the drug exemestane reduced the risk of breast cancer by 65 percent in high-risk, postmenopausal women. Talk to your doctor about whether this may benefit you.

Holiday to the place that can reduce stress.

Remember to call your doctor immediately if you find a lump or abnormal thickening in your breast. Call your doctor if you notice a nipple is inverted, discharge from a nipple, a swelling in your breast or a change in breast contour, or redness or dimpling of breast skin.
Your life style and food choices are very important to prevent breast cancer and other healthy problem in the future. Don’t worry. Have a good life.

A healthy sex life: 10 reasons to make love

Evidence points to the many health benefits of an active sex life. Sex Made Easy, an article published in Men's Health Magazine, gives 10 healthy reasons to hop into bed -- a reminder that making love is good for both body and soul.

1.Exercise. "Sexual activity is a form of physical exercise," according to Dr. Michael Cirigliano of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Making love three times a week burns around 7,500 calories in a year -- the equivalent of jogging 75 miles. 

2.Heavy Breathing. A night of love can raise the amount of oxygen in cells, helping to keep organs and tissues functioning at their peak. 

3. Strong Bones and Muscles. "Any kind of physical exercise is going to increase testosterone," states Dr. Karen Donahey, director of the Sex and Marital Therapy Program at Chicago's Northwestern University Medical Center. Testosterone is believed to help keep men's bones and muscles strong. 

4. Lowered Cholesterol. Making love regularly can lower levels of the body's total cholesterol slightly, while positively changing the ratio of good-to-bad cholesterol. 

5. Pain Relief. Sex can lower levels of "arthritic pain, whiplash pain and headache pain," according to Dr. Beverly Whipple, president-elect of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. Hormones that are released during sexual excitement and orgasm can elevate pain thresholds. 

6. DHEA -- Without Supplements. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), a popular supplemental hormone, is released naturally during lovemaking. "Just before orgasm and ejaculation," Crenshaw says, "DHEA spikes to levels three to five times higher than usual." 

7. Prostate Protection. Researchers say prostate trouble may arise or be worsened by fluid buildup within the gland. Regular ejaculation will help wash out those fluids. Be cautious when suddenly changing frequency -- sudden changes may also trigger prostate problems. 

8. Stress Relief. "Sex can be a very effective way of reducing stress levels," Donahey told Men's Health. 

9. Love Will Keep Us Together. Crenshaw says affectionate touch will increase levels of oxytocin -- the "bonding hormone." Oxytocin is a desire-enhancing chemical secreted by the pituitary. Regular oxytocin release may help encourage frequent lovemaking. 

10. Hormones -- Naturally. "Regular lovemaking can increase a woman's estrogen level, protect her heart and keep her vaginal tissues more supple," states Donahey. 

How to Build Your Own Fat Loss Program

It's confusing to follow all of the experts out there when it comes to fat loss. Let the Fit Rebel show you the key elements in building a program that best suites your needs.

Step 1

Look to cut back on calories you probably won't miss. Most of these calories come from liquids such as sodas and alcohol. Other sources for these calories are snack foods like chips and cookies. They key is to find the foods that don't contribute much to your body so you won't feel hungry cutting back on them.

Step 2
Start looking for ways to burn as many calories as possible. The fat on your body is just like fuel in your gas tank, you can alter what's coming in (your diet) as much as you want, but the bottom line is that you have fuel you want to burn. So think outside your workout. Drive as little as possible and sit as little as possible. It's much more effective and easier to burn more calories through the day rather than in just a workout at the end of the day.

Step 3
Ramp up that energy! Your energy is your metabolism. If you energy is up then so is your metabolism. Some common things that boost your energy is to 1) Get a good nights sleep. 2) Eat meals that have a good balance between fat protein and carbohydrates and 3) Keep your body moving.

Step 4
Enlist in a simple strength program. The experts are in debate over just how and why a strength program might aid weight loss, however it's a good bet that a simple program done 3-4 times a week will help bring about muscle tone, prevent injury and last I checked strong is better than week any day.

Tips & Warnings
• It's important to realize that you don't need any special program or formula to burn off fat. Your body is always burning fat and calories! The key is to simply burn off more than you currently are while cutting back on the intake that is keeping the fat stores on your body replenished.

• Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

 Fat loss is not a fast process. Be sure that whatever steps you take are ones you are comfortable with for a long time. Anything you do that you couldn't keep doing a month or two from now is probably not going to work in the long term no matter how great the short term results are.

What Is Alcoholism?

Many people think of alcoholism as drinking to excess. In truth, it differs significantly. Drinking to excess constitutes alcohol abuse. Alcoholism, on the other hand, is a chronic disease constituting a physical and psychological compulsion to drink. Alcoholics have no control over their drinking, and quitting becomes more than a matter of simple willpower. The good news is that patients can recover from alcoholism, provided they understand its effects on their lives and resolve to confront it directly. 


1. The pattern of drinking can help define an alcoholic. Many drink alone or in secret, hiding evidence of their drinking or making up lies to disguise it. Once they start drinking, they cannot stop and they often drink to excess just to feel "normal." They often expect drinks at set points in the day and become irritable when they can't get one. Many of them experience blackouts and have no memory of things they've done and said. All of this has a devastating impact on their personal and professional lives, which, ironically, may cause them to turn to alcohol even more readily. 

2. An addiction to alcohol doesn't come overnight. The patient's body gradually builds up a tolerance as more and more is imbibed, requiring greater amounts in order to feel intoxicated. At the same time, alcohol creates physiological changes in the brain: raising levels of dopamine and similar biochemicals. Over time, that essentially addicts the body to the alcohol, causing the patient to drink more and more to avoid feeling awful. 

3. Causes of alcoholism vary by individual, but are generally broken down into three or four basic categories. The Mayo Clinc and other reputable organizations believe that biological factors make some people more vulnerable to alcoholism. Other people turn to alcohol because of prolonged stress, through psychological factors relating to childhood traumas and the like, or through cultural factors such as collegiate atmospheres that are tolerant of excessive drinking. In many cases, a combination of these factors will be present in a single individual. 

4. The treatment of alcoholism can begin only when the patient admits the extent of the problem and resolves to get help. Treatment options vary, but generally begin with getting the alcohol out of the patient's system and mitigating the withdrawal symptoms safely. The patient can then be medically assessed and a treatment program can begin to break the cravings which may cause the patient to relapse. This can involve a stay in a rehab center, sessions with a therapist, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and even the use of medical deterrents such as Antabuse.

A Process
5. Alcoholism remains with the patient in some form or another for the rest of his life. Most recovering alcoholics stress that it is an ongoing process--taken one day at a time--and that the urge to relapse is always present. But the more one builds upon the little steps, the easier it becomes and the stronger the patient feels as a result.